Mantisfy is an up-and-coming skincare company specifically for men to ensure that there is equal representation and opportunities within the industry. It provides men with skincare products that are environmentally friendly, safe, and effective for any skin issues or maintenance. Moreover, it has formulated various products that are convenient to use, easy to apply, and incredibly cost-efficient. The company aims to be the go-to place for men to shop whenever they think of skincare, which means that it has to be readily available and accessible everywhere. On whatever occasion or event, Mantisfy’s products are a great addition to men’s skincare routine to boost confidence and attain the full potential of one’s attractiveness. This article will go over Mantisfy’s story, missions, visions, and products to provide an overview of the company as a whole.
Brand Story
Developing the brand
Brand Story
It all began with a weekend barbecue party between Mr. Edward and his college classmates.
It’s always been a tradition between the group of friends, and Mr. Edward一just like every other time before that day一was the one nominated to be in charge of the grill. The man can’t blame others for his phenomenal cooking skills, after all, so he accepts the challenge almost instantly. As time went by, though, he realized that the fumes from the grill were damaging his face and beard in a very uncomfortable way: it had felt so oily, and he could feel the heaviness of it all.
Mr. Edward immediately took a bathroom break to try to wash off the residual dirt, but upon trying the different cleansing products available, he realized that these were incredibly unideal for facial hair一they were mainly made for women. The cleanser hardly produced any foam even after he aggressively rubbed it into his beard for such a long time. Resigning, he reluctantly went back to the grill and cooked some meat for him and his friends.
That day was a turning point for Mr. Edward. He’d been exposed to the lack of skin care for men for the first time, and he had become quite interested in the industry itself, even conducting in-depth research on the comparison between men’s and women’s products available in the market. Apparently, even when he found men’s skin care products, women’s products were still just significantly more. Not only were they generally more in quantity, but they were also so much more diverse一there was literally a product for every little thing, and he couldn’t say the same for the array available for men.
More than that, these men’s products that he found weren’t really made for men. The companies just created different packaging designs to appeal to the male audience. Meaning, all the formulas and ingredients used weren’t even adapted for men; they were exactly the same as the ones in the women’s products.
Mr. Edward believes that the apparent lack of representation was so evident and that it’s incredibly unfair and insincere for the companies to do that. So, he took the matter into his own hands and founded his own business. Mr. Edward had made it a goal to create a genuine skincare company for men to address their needs; thus, Mantisfy was born. He wanted men to feel that they’re also just as important as women in this industry, and he tried to formulate these products to improve their quality of life: making it a more convenient, hygienic, and safe space for them.
And, lastly, he wanted to bring out the full potential of every man’s attractiveness to boost their confidence and self-esteem. Mantisfy truly is a men’s skincare product company, nothing less and nothing more.
Developing the brand
“When did making products’ ingredients safe and efficient become a marketing advantage? Isn’t it supposed to be a given to a company that manufactures consumer products?”
Mr. Edward has kept this mindset through his journey and spread it across his partners when devising Mantisfy’s products. The company will focus on creating the best quality products with premium ingredients to uphold and meet men’s needs to the fullest. Through every experience, achievement, and walk of life, Mantisfy will serve its customers accurately and without a doubt.

Herman Doomer (ca. 1595 - 1659) Rembrandt (Rembrand van Rijn)(Dutch, Leiden 1606 - 1669 Amsterdam), 1640, Oil on wood
Brand Mission
Satisfying men’s needs
The brand’s main objective is to satisfy all men’s needs. Mantisfy will formulate every product to suit every situation one may face: maintaining their already flawless complexion, getting rid of acne, trying to lessen oil production, or even moisturizing dry and sensitive skin.
Plus, the company acknowledges that there are different categories of men with various kinds of preferences. It will continue to diversify and widen its catalogs to have greater scope and accommodate every single man.
Protecting the environment
Mantisfy recognizes the world’s need for more environmentally sustainable corporations, so it makes it a top priority to make sure that every ingredient and packaging is safe for the environment. They’re all compostable and nontoxic; plus, none of them are tested on animals. Mantisfy proves to uphold natural integrity and every life’s dignity through every process from product creation to disposal.
The factories and production sites are also made to emit as little carbon and greenhouse gasses as possible. Mantisfy believes that climate change is real and that it will get worse if larger companies do not adjust their practices, so the founders have decided to start even from the beginning. Mantisfy will keep its carbon emissions within the little to moderate range.
Ensuring corporate and social responsibility
Every company should have a way to give back to society, and Mantisfy wants to contribute by helping stray animals find their respective shelters. While Mantisfy doesn’t have its own shelter and team to take care of these animals, it will find different ethical companies that do. Thorough research and outreach will be conducted to ensure that everything will go smoothly.
Mantisfy will collaborate and partner with various pet shelters and brands to help these stray cats and dogs find temporary homes and live safe and healthy lives. So, even if adoption isn’t immediate, they still have a reliable and warm place to sleep and eat. The company will make sure that the personnel and keepers behind its partner companies are genuine and caring towards the animals.

Brand Vision
An industry with equal opportunities
Simply giving men more products to choose from isn’t where Mantisfy wants to end; instead, it will pioneer a proper way for men to have accessible products everywhere, not just in the skincare industry. Spreading awareness is the first step to solving this issue, and Mantisfy envisions a future wherein men don’t even consider it a problem anymore.
Ideally, all the industries一equipped with the right awareness and knowledge一 would have equal amounts of products and variety between men and women, all the while still providing the best possible quality for all. Mantisfy sees the world diversify even further in the future, and it will contribute to providing a safe space for everyone, of all body types and preferences, by starting a small一but effective一movement in the skincare industry.
An industry wherein sustainable products are the norm
Mantisfy prides itself on creating environmentally-friendly products through and through; however, the company envisions a future wherein it isn’t considered pride anymore一it’s regarded as the bare minimum. It’s been a very long and consistent movement to save the planet, but Mantisfy will spread awareness beyond the skincare industry through the use of sustainable products.
Waste and carbon emissions are the most damaging reasons behind why the Earth isn’t what it is and can’t ever go back to the way it used to be. Mantisfy believes that its ideologies and principles in terms of saving the environment will be spread across every platform and industry possible, slowly and consistently making the Earth a better place by adjusting the components involved in production.
A significant decrease in stray cats and dogs
Through its corporate and social responsibility, Mantisfy envisions a community一or more一wherein stray cats and dogs are rare. The founders have observed that there are so many homeless animals everywhere: on the streets, the sidewalks, even in public cafeterias.
When the project to move these animals to shelters starts to become consistent in its progress, Mantisfy believes that it will create a large enough impact on the community. Cats and dogs everywhere wouldn’t be a norm anymore, and it would eventually be frowned upon.
More than that, Mantisfy envisions a community wherein the people do not simply walk past these animals without thought. The company will spread enough awareness to even the ordinary citizens that they may be willing to bring these strays into nearby animal shelters.

Saved Stray Cat
List of our products
- Face cleanser (150 mL)
The Mantisfy face cleanser works like every other wash: it cleans out any clogged pores of the skin. Throughout the day, the skin accumulates both dirt from the environment and produces its own sebum (the natural oils on the skin), so it’s vital to clean these out to avoid any acne production or irritations. Because of this, it also regulates oily or combination skin and keeps them relatively moderate. It’s also great for dry skin since it has moisturizing ingredients that can hydrate the skin. Since there’s a lack of natural oil production, the Mantisfy face cleanser rids dirty oils and replaces them with healthy and hygienic ingredients instead. Plus, it can also reduce any inflammation from acne build-up and redness from any flakiness of the skin through its calming ingredients, so not only does it sterilize the skin but it also makes it look more aesthetically pleasing and healthy. What sets it apart from other products is that it aims to be denser than other cleansers to give men the option to use it as a 2-in-1 shaving cream. It’s more cost-effective and time-efficient that way, and Mantisfy ensures that the product’s quality isn’t compromised on any level. More than that, the cleanser’s texture is almost bubble-like and more delicate to accommodate facial hair and other acne. The cleanser can actually penetrate through even the thickest beards, so there is no doubt that it accurately cleans the skin underneath. These aspects would make it easier to clean through hair while still being careful enough not to damage any skin beneath it even through more aggressive rubbing. The Mantisfy face cleanser should be applied twice on the skin: once in the morning, and the other in the evening. Because pores can accumulate dirt and oils even during sleep (not just from the outside environment), washing the face in the morning is highly suggested to ensure that the face remains clean of impurities.

- Toner (120 mL)
The Mantisfy toner moisturizes the skin after any cleansing or harsh conditioning. Since cleansers remove any excess oils on the face, there are some instances wherein the skin is left too dry, so toners make sure that the face is still hydrated after all of that.
Moreover, It also has soothing qualities that make any acne less harsh and red. If ever the skin is still a bit raw from cleansing, toners can do the trick by calming the outer layer of the skin. Plus, the Mantisfy toner is scented to give the skin a boost of fragrance.
The scent can be akin to a forest: the main essence is woody, with hints of herbal tones. Because of these, the overall ambiance is refreshing and calming for most, and it has layers that add depth to the whole sensation.
Applying toner should be done after every cleansing because of its moisturizing and rejuvenating properties, which means that it should be applied twice a day as well. Ensuring that the skin is still healthy, safe, and truly clean after every wash is its main goal, after all.

- Face lotion (50 mL)
The Mantisfy face lotion has a very smooth consistency that’s both milky and creamy. Its main purpose is to moisturize the skin with the essential oils, nutrients, and hydration to give it the bounce and glow it deserves. Beyond just the skin, it also penetrates the skin’s hair follicles to make hair growth easier in general; plus, the hair that grows will turn out to be healthier and shinier.
The lotion also has restorative properties that can remove any recent acne marks and scars. It rejuvenates the skin after damage, which makes the lotion essential when responding to any skin mistreatment and malnutrition. Its calming ingredients also soothe any redness of dry skin or irritations from the environment.
Lastly, it’s scented to give a refreshing sensation to the skin and the people around it. It smells of wood and undertones of herbs, which can also create a calming effect一in a way, it smells healthy and deep.
The lotion’s application depends on one’s skin type: if the skin is generally on the oily or combination side, then it’s suggested to apply the lotion only once a day, in the morning or at night. On the other hand, since drier skin needs more moisture in general, it’s best to do it after every wash as well一one in the morning and once at night.

- Essence and serum (30 mL)
The Mantisfy essence and serum has healing properties that can treat various types of acne. The most common one it can treat is acne caused by excessive oils, but if the acne is mounded一meaning it’s quite round and extends outwards一the essence can push it down and make it less prominent.
In other cases wherein the acne reproduces and creates a red patch, the essence can get rid of the irritation and stop it from producing more. Moreover, if there are any acne pustules, the essence can disinfect the area and keep it sterilized. It also has calming and anti-inflammatory ingredients that soothe any acne irritations.
Even if there isn’t much acne on the skin, the essence can still avoid acne breakouts by ridding acne-causing bacteria on the surface of the skin. It also cleans out any clogged pores or even hair follicle infection, an instance wherein the hair does not grow out of the hole properly, which can cause irritations and acne.
Then, last of all, the essence is scented with natural fragrances: it smells of herbs and leaves with woody hints to add some overall depth. Altogether, it has a rejuvenating and calm vibe that can make the skin feel fresher and cleaner.
Applying serums need some adjustment periods since the skin might get irritated depending on each person. In the first month, since it’s still relatively new, it’s suggested to only use it every other day, but once the skin gets more accustomed to it, it can be applied every day, once in the morning or evening.
If it’s really needed and the skin is already completely used to it, it can be applied twice a day for maximum results, but with at least a 12-hour gap. For example, if it was applied at 8 am that day, the second application must be from 8 pm onwards to avoid irritation.

How our products satisfy men’s needs
Regardless of its age, Mantisfy offers the best quality products that are created and formulated with years and years of research and experience. The company has partnered with another large company that has been in the industry for 22 years, and Mantisfy has accumulated enough information to ensure top-notch ingredients for its products.
Because of this, all of the products Mantisfy offers can accurately solve any men’s needs for every age, environment, and occupation. There are many kinds of men from every aspect of life, so all the products are made to be adaptable to everyone. Plus, the ingredients used are safe for the skin, which makes them great for experimentation!
Even if there isn’t much acne on the skin, the essence can still avoid acne breakouts by ridding acne-causing bacteria on the surface of the skin. It also cleans out any clogged pores or even hair follicle infection, an instance wherein the hair does not grow out of the hole properly, which can cause irritations and acne.
Then, last of all, the essence is scented with natural fragrances: it smells of herbs and leaves with woody hints to add some overall depth. Altogether, it has a rejuvenating and calm vibe that can make the skin feel fresher and cleaner.
Applying serums need some adjustment periods since the skin might get irritated depending on each person. In the first month, since it’s still relatively new, it’s suggested to only use it every other day, but once the skin gets more accustomed to it, it can be applied every day, once in the morning or evening.
If it’s really needed and the skin is already completely used to it, it can be applied twice a day for maximum results, but with at least a 12-hour gap. For example, if it was applied at 8 am that day, the second application must be from 8 pm onwards to avoid irritation.
How our products can be environmentally friendly
All Mantisfy products’ ingredients are ethically sourced, which means that there was no exploitation of natural and land resources. Plus, the people behind production were fairly accounted for and compensated for. There was also no animal testing involved for any products. Mantisfy recognizes that each life is made equal, so all products were purely clinically tested in the laboratory.
The components of each product一from ingredients to packaging一are also compostable, which implies that everything can go back into the ground after usage. Meaning, they don’t contribute to industrial waste, and all products leave no traces and pollution in the long run.
Factories and production sites also do not emit excessive carbon and air pollutants. To avoid worsening climate change, Mantisfy has decided to keep emissions as little as possible, staying under the United Nations’ carbon emission limit (the Paris Agreement).
Skincare products for a cause
The monetary proceeds from each product will go to aiding stray animals. Mantisfy has collaborated with other animal shelters that are much more focused and experienced to help them sustain their goal一providing a comfortable home for animals who do not have owners.
Particularly, Mantisfy wants to protect stray cats and dogs as they’re the most common and prevalent in the community. The company wants to lessen the victimized animals as much as possible, and it believes that bringing them someplace where they can be taken care of and fed is ideal. Even if the animals don’t get homes right away, these shelters will be a good roof for them to stay under. It keeps them safe from road accidents, animal abuse, and other infections from harsh environments.
Mantisfy definitely has very progressive values and mindset when it comes to skincare, and it believes that it has what it takes to create these changes. The company will offer and add various chances and options to the very limited selection that’s currently available in the market.
For sure, the brand will grow and develop even more, but the fundamental principles behind the whole company will certainly stick throughout its path to success. There are, no doubt, other companies that sell skincare products for men, but choosing Mantisfy doesn’t just support the company itself and its people.
The company truly aims to have and envision a society wherein men’s and women’s products are both equally diverse and effective, so supporting Mantisfy will spread an upright attitude towards skincare, sustain the environment, and benefit lonely and unsafe stray animals even beyond just the skincare industry.
A Bit Extra About Us
Mantisfy.com is an online store. We are committed to providing our customers with A unique, superior and thoughtful online shopping experience. We have high quality manufacturers and suppliers; At the same time, we are constantly optimizing our purchasing and production processes to ensure that our products are of high quality. Please feel free to buy our products on the website.
Our website attaches great importance to customer service, and customers’ opinions are important information to promote us to develop, improve and enhance ourselves. If you encounter any difficulties during your consumption, please check out other terms of our website or feel free to contact our staff. Contact information can be found in Contact us.
Thank you again for visiting our website and wish you a happy shopping trip!