We’re faced with millions and millions of enemies every single day of our lives一and, no, not the people who’ve somehow ruffled your feathers wrongly, but the invisible viruses and bacteria that may not be seen to the common eye (Pietro, 2019). They do not at all look like those images in children’s books or TV commercials you remember watching growing up (the ones with the green bodies with weird protrusions and bulges). They are, in fact, only visible from under a microscope or device.
Because of this, we don’t really know how dirty we are exactly. We can’t simply judge from the dirt and grime we can see from when we walk on mud or swipe some dust. In fact, these bacteria are in the air itself一molecules of dirt and viruses get onto and into our bodies so quickly, and we don’t even realize it. So, how exactly do we make sure our skin stays protected amidst all of this?
Washing your body regularly could eliminate some risk of getting affected by these particles: taking a shower, shampooing your hair thoroughly, and cleansing your body with some soap. These are probably already in your skin care routine, but some areas of the body are more sensitive than others; plus, they could even be more exposed, one of which being the face.
Our faces remain exposed and uncovered most of the time一that’s how we get to communicate to people and help them recognize who we are. It’s standard action we do every day, so it only follows that it could be one of the dirtiest areas of your body. More than that, the body actually releases some oils and impurities that could make you look unkempt and unhealthy. Thus, washing your face is an essential step in your morning routine to ensure that you stay protected against unwanted debris.
If you need a professional daily routine, we have a professional skin care routine guide ready for you to boost your routine!
Best skincare routine for men: How to properly wash your face
Most skin care routines for a man mention that you need to cleanse or wash your face twice every day, but how exactly do you do it to maximize its results? According to Aiglon (2019), medically reviewed by Wilson, Ph.D., there are some small rules whenever you’re doing your routine that most skin care for men articles fail to discuss.
Remove all your cosmetic products first
It’s a common misconception that you can just clean off any make-up or products using your facial cleansers to save some time. This assumption couldn’t be more wrong since all that does is clean off the products themselves; it doesn’t unclog your pores since there’s a layer covering them. So, the best thing to do is use a remover first and wipe it across your face with some cotton balls to draw out the product. Then, that’s when you start cleaning your face.
Use lukewarm water
Your pores could get sensitive to some extreme temperatures, making your face red or damaged, so you have to ensure that you don’t accidentally infect your skin in the process. Try to use a mixture of cold and hot water on your skin since this temperature is the mildest.
Pat dry using a soft cloth
You don’t actually start drying your face immediately since some cleansers have ingredients that need ample time to get into your skin. Wait around a minute or two before drying your skin一make sure not to air dry your skin as well!

Using a coarse towel could irritate your skin since the texture may be rough and damaging; instead, try to find a really soft and plush towel as an alternative. In the same way, you shouldn’t aggressively rub off the water from your face. Just let the towel do its job to absorb by gently patting your face with it and avoid any irritations and pulling一trust us; you don’t want to have any sagging or wrinkles on your face.
Don’t use regular body wash
You might think that your body washes, the ones you use for the rest of your skin, would effectively cleanse your face as well, but that isn’t the case. Your face is a lot more sensitive and exposed to dirt; meaning, you have to find a particular kind of cleanser explicitly made for the face. Here are some types of cleansing facial wash you might want to check out.
Best facial cleansers to try out
Facial hair cleansers
Face wash for men is a bit more complicated since a lot of people forget that the skin underneath their facial hair (beards or mustaches) also needs some cleansing. Yes, it’s true that the skin is less exposed to dirt from the environment because of the protective layer the hair provides, but the skin itself still produces oil. As mentioned earlier, too much oil accumulated could result in acne breakouts and generally unhealthy and oily skin. It’s challenging to find a cleanser that can reach beyond the beard since most are made to clean just skin, but we’re here to help!
Mantisfy Deep Cleansing Mousse
The Mantisfy face cleanser is considered one of the best face washes for men since acts as a 2-in-1 face cleanser and shaving cream to help men with thick beards and mustaches. Not only can it penetrate the thick layer of hair and clean the skin underneath, but it also doesn’t damage the hair and skin in the process.
Most people would aggressively rub cleansers onto the surface just to reach beyond the hair, but you wouldn’t need to do that with the Mantisfy face cleanser since it’s made to be denser than most: that’s why you can use it as a shaving cream after cleansing your face.
Plus, it also contains various moisturizing ingredients that can hydrate your skin above just cleaning off the extra sebum and oils on the surface. You don’t need to have a separate moisturizer right after washing your face because of this.
Even more than that, the creators really made sure that it has soothing ingredients just like the gel cleansers, which can help reduce redness and inflammation brought about by acne and any flakiness from dry skin. It’s really efficient, and the Mantisfy face wash for men can definitely give you the value for your money!

Foam cleansers
Just like what its name suggests, foam cleansers can produce thick bubbles as if you’re using soap on your body (Kim, 2020). Using a foaming face wash can give you immediate relief since it does the job very quickly, leaving your skin feeling less oily and bouncier right away.
The central aspect you need to note is its texture, but it’s also great to know that it can regulate the acid on your face. By doing so, it can help you avoid any acne breakouts on any portion of the skin.
Exfoliating cleansers
This type is probably the freshest facial wash you could find since they’re textured to rid of any dead skin cells your skin produces, leaving your skin softer and smoother than it was (Longhurst, 2018). In a way, the friction created by your rubbing the small particles can “scratch” off the layers of oil and dirt on your skin.
Don’t overdo it, though, since you might damage or irritate your skin in the process. Follow the prescribed instructions on the packaging to ensure that you stay healthy. More often than not, they will suggest using it twice a week. Because you won’t use it every day, you also still have to find a different type of cleanser to go with it as an alternative.
Gel cleansers

According to Kim (2020), this type is made to be a lot denser and thicker to reach deeper down your pores. Meaning, you would surely have a deep-cleaning experience; plus, you’d probably feel so much lighter without the excess dirt. More than that, most gel cleansers are also made to be colder than most types to give them a soothing factor for your skin.
A lot of cleansers are harsh and rough, but you won’t have to worry when using gel cleansers since they can immediately make your skin calmer, avoiding any redness and inflammations as well.
Cream cleansers
This type is best for those with drier skin since cream cleansers are made with more moisturizing ingredients (Whitley, 2021). If you have patches of redness or dry skin, cream cleansers can eliminate some of them. Plus, hydration can also make your skin feel bouncier and give your face that glow it deserves.
It works just like every other cleanser: reducing oiliness and removing dirt, but note that the texture is a bit milky and smooth, making the experience feel a lot milder and more soothing than anything else.
What exactly happens if you don’t wash your face?
Aside from actually getting sick, you may experience a lot of disturbances on just the actual surface of your face. These may be caused by various debris from the environment that may have infiltrated your skin.
Acne Breakouts
The skin actually has tiny holes called pores, in which the body secretes any sweat and moisture (Beaudoin, 2019). Because of this, dirt from the outside can also penetrate into them and make your pores clogged if you don’t clean your face regularly. These would be some impurities from the air and mostly dust from the environment.
Once these stay inside your pores, the body will reject them as “foreign objects,” therefore, keeping them onto the surface of your skin. These would come in the presence of acne: pimples, whiteheads, blackheads, etc. Depending on the type, you could actually risk overproducing these acnes because some varieties can reproduce: you might have patches of pimples on your cheeks, and we don’t want that.
According to Pietro (2019), there wouldn’t just be one type of infection; there are at least four common types of conditions your skin could go through depending on the particles. To avoid these from infecting your body, you must regularly and thoroughly clean your skin.
• Bacterial Infections
Just like its namesake, bacterial infections are caused by bacteria that have been camping in your pores. These would include cellulitis, impetigo, boils, and even leprosy. Because bacteria can reproduce very easily, the infected areas could get larger and larger, which means that you have to take action as soon as you can. Most of the time, doctors prescribe antibiotics to get rid of them.
• Viral Infections
Viral (caused by viruses) infections include shingles (herpes zoster), chickenpox, Molluscum contagiosum, warts, measles, and hand, foot, and mouth disease. Most of these are highly contagious depending on their degrees, so you won’t just be risking yourself; you’d be risking your families as well. If you do get these infections, make sure to stay in quarantine until your doctor clears you.
• Fungal Infections
Fungal (caused by a fungus) infections don’t often happen on the face, but these could sprout in the other areas of your body, more commonly those prone to sweat and heat like the armpits or your feet. Luckily, this type of infection isn’t at all contagious nor dangerous. You won’t have to worry about actually getting sick, but these are still pretty inconvenient and unsanitary to have. Some common fungal infections are athlete’s foot, yeast infection, ringworm, nail fungus, and oral thrush.
Most of the treatments for these are also external, meaning the dermatologist can simply burn it off. Some, however, may need surgery depending on the severity of the infection, so it’s always good to take action early.
• Parasitic Infections
Parasitic (caused by parasites) infections are also not dangerous but could be contagious depending on the type of parasite. You could be breeding them on or inside your body then infect other people around you. These are highly uncomfortable, and some parasites that could penetrate your body are lice, bedbugs, scabies, and cutaneous larva migrans.
Unlike the other three infections, you won’t just need a doctor’s opinion. You would need to have a pest control specialist come to your home and see if they can exterminate any parasites living with you. You don’t want it to happen again if ever you get infected, do you?
According to Madormo (2021), a health writer and nurse, inflammations are caused by the body’s immune system as a response to any infections or diseases. In that case, if your skin ever gets infected by any of the four common types discussed above, you could experience swelling, itching, and redness on your body.
More than that, you might also come across anything you’re allergic to. For example, if your skin is allergic to pollen and it stays on the surface, you might start to itch and swell uncontrollably. While there are many cures accessible to even just an ordinary pharmacy, you might need to be careful as these are highly unattractive, inconvenient, and uncomfortable.
Shiny or Oily Skin
The skin actually produces its own oil called the sebum to maintain moisture and hydration on the skin (Beaudoin, 2019). Your body could naturally be more productive than others, making you have oily skin without even trying. While that doesn’t seem so bad, it could still seem pretty unattractive to some, and you might also have to suffer its consequences: acne breakouts.
Because of this, most people with oily skin would take extra measures to regulate the skin’s production to keep the moisture moderate一washing off any excess oil is a great way. Basically, if you let the oil just build up on the surface of your skin, you could risk some breakouts and make your own skin oily regardless of its natural type. If you have trouble regulating your oily skin, check out this article to learn more preventative measures against it.
Washing your face is incredibly important since not only will you protect yourself and your family from harm, but you also stay aesthetically attractive on the outside一say goodbye to dry patches, redness, and oiliness! You still have to do this as a routine, though, since it would take time before you see any visible results on your skin.
Plus, some ingredients and products may not be the best suited for you, so just do it regularly and experiment to see what exactly works for you and your lifestyle! We understand that skincare routines are hard to get into, but once you see the results, you’d understand why exactly people still do them regardless.
AIGLON, K. (2019) 15 Do’s and Don’ts for Washing Your Face the Right Way. Weblog [Online] 2nd July. Available from: https://www.healthline.com/health/beauty-skin-care/face-washing-how-to. [Accessed 9/7/21].
BEAUDOIN, K. (2019) Oily Skin Causes: Genetic, Lifestyle, Do’s and Don’ts. DermCollective. Weblog [Online] 1st May. Available from: https://dermcollective.com/oily-skin-causes/#what_is_oily_skin. [Accessed 9/7/21].
KIM, H. (2020) The 3 Major Perks and Benefits of Gel Cleansers for Face!. Weblog [Online] 24th March. Available from: https://www.wishtrend.com/glam/the-3-major-perks-and-benefits-of-using-cleansing-gel-for-face/. [Accessed 9/7/21].
LONGHURST, A. (2018) What Does It Mean to Exfoliate? Why You Should and How to Start. Weblog [Online] 22nd October. Available from: https://www.healthline.com/health/beauty-skin-care/meaning-of-exfoliating. [Accessed 9/7/21].
MADORMO, C. (2021) Causes and Treatments for Skin Inflammation. Weblog [Online] 16th April. Available from: https://www.verywellhealth.com/skin-inflammation-5095859. [Accessed 9/7/21].
PIETRO, M. (2019) Skin Infection: Types, Causes, and Treatment. Weblog [Online] 7th March. Available from: https://www.healthline.com/health/skin-infection. [Accessed 9/7/21].
WHITLEY, A. (2021) Normal Skin: The Ultimate Guide & Skin Care Routine. Weblog [Online] 1st June. Available from: https://eminenceorganics.com/ca/blog/2019/04/25/normal-skin-what-it-how-care-it. [Accessed 9/7/21].